Worlds Awakening

The free, community-driven role-playing game!


Check out our new guides for players and game masters, along with some exciting news: we’ll be attending OctoGônes 14 in Villeurbanne (France) for demos and meetups.

Browse our Guides

Player's Guide

Explore this guide to master the basics of the game and discover tips for creating powerful characters and progressing in the game.

Game Master's Guide

This guide provides you with all the resources and advice you need to orchestrate campaigns and balance your scenarios with finesse.


Discover the captivating universe of Worlds Awakening shaped by Nicolas BÉDÉ and illustrated by the creative pen of Christian BERNARD.

Last Creatures

View all

Mini-boss (HP) - Medium - Strong
AR: 3/1
STR -2
DEX +6
CON +0
INT +0
WIS +3
CHA +4
Mini-boss (DM) - Small - Strong
AR: 1/1
STR -1
DEX +3
CON +5
INT +6
WIS +4
CHA +4

Creation and Contribution Tools

Create and Manage Your Character Sheets Easily!

Discover our new character creation tool and start your adventure without delay!

Create your own creatures!

Use our tool to shape your own creatures and join the community bestiary!